Thursday, December 11, 2008

Math Talk

atulnoor: wani... remainder apa eh ?

me: remainder tuh peninggalan saki baki

atulnoor: klu dlm math tahu x ?

me: Mathematics. the difference between a function or a number and an approximation to it. heee. Arithmetic. a. the quantity that remains after subtraction. b. the portion of the dividend that is not evenly divisible by the divisor.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 minutes

atulnoor: ish..x pahe la.. hee

me: heee...mskdnye kira baki bile sesuatu ditolak tuh, cam 5-3=2, 2 tuh ada remainder tp yg 2 lagik tuh pon cam xberpa phm...ekeke

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 minutes

atulnoor: heee...i pun x paham fening

me: nk wtpe

atulnoor: nk check calculation. jap ni dah tanye n td mod igt x

me: mod tuh no yg terbesar kan antt jujukan no yg ada

atulnoor: n pun kata camtu hee tp mod org ni lain kot...hee...pening ah kt buat query mod(23,5) jwpn die 3...paham x ? hee

me: kat sini dier yg dibahagi by 2 given no then bile dier bhg tuh dpt sama baki nye... ekekeke...kena tnya org maths lah

atulnoor: mod returns the remainder of m divided by n m=25 n=5 m=23 bkn 25...phm x?

me: 25/5

atulnoor: heee...hahaha

me: 3 lah 5...klu cmtuh 25/5 = 5

atulnoor: 23/5, m=23, n=5 pastu mod(23,5) =3, ktrgnn di die mod returns the remainder of m divided by n

me: ok2 cmni, btol lah mod 3, kan kite bhgn 23/5 kan, ptot nye 4. something tp kan 5 x 4 = 20 23-20 = 3 3 tuh mod lh kena lukis lah... hahaha. Phm x neh? 5 x 4 tuh closest tu 23 phm x neh?

me: slh keterangan 3 tuh ada remainder hasil dr mod (23,5) phm?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 minutes

atulnoor: dl kt ade blaja ke ni ms blaja math cam x leh recall lah huu

me: blaja kan huhu

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 minutes

atulnoor: heee x leh recall tgh berserabut ni heee

me: yg td wani cerita tuh xphm lah? alaa...da lukis tp xleh send lak

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 minutes

atulnoor: haha emel leh x bg kat cni

me: hihi ok

atulnoor: yellow bkn t hik2 silap bg dua2 la gmail skali thnks a lot

me: ok

atulnoor: hee

me: tp buruks lah sbb pkai paint kan ekekek

atulnoor: heee x pela

me: ok da send

atulnoor: x smpt la nak skodeng2 kat tenet ok thanks

me: :)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 minutes

atulnoor: hahahah wani biar betik cam budak tadika je ekekeke

me: btol kan penerangan tuh heeee

atulnoor: hahahah... phm2 hik2 klako2

me: hehehhe... sbb xreti nak tulis pkai mouse ekekek

This is what I drew in order for atul to u guys understand Mod and Remainder now? Hehe


Anonymous said...

firstly nak ckp : wani mmg teror ah in maths!..still ingat lg tuuuu

2ndly : wakakakaka....remainder tu awat jd mcmtu ejaan die..hahaha(tgh tahan perut duk gelak guling2) ngeeee

maylyn said...

seyes aku nk marah atol...ko dulu tido ehh...pas2 wani, hahhahaha ya allah...klu i ada kucing, sure kucing lagik cantek writing nye...hahahahhahaha

AnneWeeza said... ye aku ingt that day...pepegi aku on je atul dah sergah ngn soklan mod....hahahah.... :)

Skinny Legs said...

kak syu - hehehehe...tulah...xtau pesal jadik cmtuh...i bile pkai mouse jadik bkn kidal lah...tuh yg serabut tuh...heee~

maylyn - i hope my explaination to kak syu answers ur Q...heee~

anneweeza - klaka je atul...