Monday, November 03, 2008

Glad that's over

My my my...what a week. I just got back home from off site visit in Bangi. It wasn't that bad as I thought. Thanks for my office buddies who were around helping me out. In fact it was rather interesting really. Meeting with new people. Users to be exact. All from different location and different looks. Of course, they are definitely senior by age but they were a cool bunch. As I thought. Yeah, it wasn't that bad.

The accommodation was great. The apartment we stayed in was way beyond my expectation although we were warned that the place was somewhat 'keras' but Alhamdulillah none of us got hurt. We were too tired to bother about it. We did remember about what our old colleague told us about their 'incident' there. I tried not to think about it even though it slipped through my mind before going to bed, but because we were too exhausted, we slept peacefully unaware of what was going on around. Except that one night, Ann was disturbed by me talking in my sleep. Hehe. How embarrassing! By the way, nothing creepy happened. Thank goodness.

The food, not bad either. I had a plateful of food all the time. Shoveling it down my guts. Overall, it's something I'm looking forward to do in the future. I mean going off-site which will gives us an opportunity to meet the world. Still, I dread going to work.

I'm wiped and I'm hitting the sheets even though my bed is sheet-less. I didn't have the time to do my bed since I was busy outside. Huh. Alasan.


Anonymous said...

huh...nape tak amik gambo tmpt penginapan? but i guess u were tooo bz to tangkap2 gambo. tul tak?

AnneWeeza said...

yeke??? ke xsempat dah 'gedebusss'..hahhahaha... :)

Anonymous said...

Tu ler..sape sruh kluar awal..kang dah tue. Xde mknenye sebaya..hahaha..

Psal profile tu, saje je nk kasi detail2..promote la ckit..hakikatnye lakonan smata2..hehe..klu nk tulun rekemen, cari la mude2 ckit..xnk tue mcm along

Anonymous said...

Along tu dh brpunye ke blom? Bile dier nk msuk minang? hehe..

Skinny Legs said...

kak syu - tuh ah...ann ada camera...xde pon die amekkan salah dier lah... =p

ann - hahahahaah...aku jatuh ke katil ngn penuh gemelai...ada ke perkataan tuh...eekeke

fiquer - xpelah muda tuk thn tuh...angah...tua tok thn tuh... :P

hmm...masih mencari ;-) ada calon nak rekemen??? ... =D